What steps do I need to take to study abroad?
Below is a checklist of steps to complete in order to study abroad at GHC. Please make sure that you pay attention to specific program deadlines as you work on these items. Feel free to take this list and check off steps as you complete them.
Receive information about GHC Study Abroad
Programs and decide on a program.
2. Complete GHC Study Abroad Program Student
Application and return it to the GHC Director of
Global Initiatives and Study Abroad. If you are
participating in the USG program such as the
European Council program, please complete
that applications as well.
3. Meet with a Financial Aid Counselor in the GHC
Financial Aid Office to determine if financial aid
can be used to help pay for the trip, and if so
how much. Complete necessary paperwork and
set up a refund mechanism with the
Financial Aid Counselor.
Aid Counselor and completing necessary
paperwork is mandatory. This should be done
as soon as possible after submitting a student
application, and at the very latest on the last day
of classes the semester prior to the study abroad
4. Verify trip payment deadlines for the trip and make
payments on time.
5. If you do not have a passport or need to renew your
passport, send in your application.
6. Apply for scholarships, including outside scholarships
and scholarships with the GHC Foundation. Please
contact the GHC Foundation for information about
scholarships, including deadlines and an application.
7. Enroll in appropriate classes linked to the study
abroad program (e.g. summer term) and pay tuition and fees.
For questions, please contact Dr. Bronson Long, the Director of Global Initiatives and Study Abroad at blong@highlands.edu or Ms. Alex MacMurdo, the Assistant Director of Global Initiatives and Study Abroad at amacmurd@highlands.edu
For a copy of the GHC Study Abroad Program Student Application as well as information on how to apply for a passport, please see the “Application and Forms” tab.